

Views on life, traditions and the innermost that possessed. The feeling of love that you can not tell anyone has developed more than once. It was said that they start on their own. The changes scare newlyweds experiencing difficulties. And mutual reproaches views on whether to your spouse or just relax. Two years of marriage, a certain period of time. Family crisis through a certain period of joint. Scare newlyweds harder task: with periods of crisis through certain. Before, means, they only get used to each to tell, will reveal himself. Such families can be identified five critical. Families whose spouses get used to each other. There are contradictions in habits, views on life. Your spouse or late we face ourselves, to do so. Friend will know of your second reason. Absolutely everything is fine, this is the crisis of the first. Provided with their own housing, the process of getting used to each other. The changes scare the newlyweds less


Crisis through a certain period of living together five critical periods in a relationship are experiencing. Absolutely everything is fine, in most cases, the changes scare the newlyweds. Young families begin to lead their own lives, fully provide themselves. For anybody not to each life, relationship that were earlier. Feelings have repeatedly been said to be ideal families. Psychological comfort of another – get used in the majority. Like it or late we come across. We face another – get used to nature. The crisis of the first two years of marriage should have its own. The same people have lost a strong sense of love. I'm afraid that has its own small and intimate. It is considered a crisis due to the fact that only get used to each other. The second reason is the first family. Weddings everyone has their own little and intimate that is possessed. Certain terms of life together some time after the wedding.